Wouldn't be nice if your business ran itself?

You are talented, you have a whirlwind of ideas, you work hard. Yet, your business doesn't seem to realize its full potential. You’re pulled in a gazillion different directions, overwhelmed, not sure how much money you’ll have on hand at the end of the month. Invigorating as it can be, running a business is stressful, sometimes to the point of crying from exhaustion. (Yep, I've been there).

You wish you could only do what you love best - healing clients, or writing killer copy, or making organic cotton candy, or whatever your passion drives you to do. But it doesn't quite seem to work this way. Why?

Many small businesses lack the STRUCTURE, that's vital for a healthy enterprise. 

You are not alone in this. It’s natural – founding a business requires a Visionary. You. The Visionary’s skill-set and personality are very different from the Manager's skill-set and personality. People with both Visionary and Manager traits are a rare breed. Most of us aren't. 

Visionary conjures and creates. Manager works well within a structure, making sure stuff gets done on time, payments are properly processed, expenses don’t balloon out of whack, client issues are promptly addressed, pricing makes sense (and profits!), etc., 

It takes a Manager to STRUCTURE the business for the Visionary to CREATE.

The trouble is, outsourcing operations can be risky, costly, and you wouldn't want to lose control you now have over key aspects of your venture. So what's the solution?  

Creating STRUCTURE+HABITS that will support turning your vision into reality.  

This is my work in the world.
This is what I do.

I help heart-centered entrepreneurs clear the chaos in their business and life, by putting systems in place for managing money, time, people and information. The results allow my clients to get what greets you at the top of the page (I wanted to make sure it's clear from the get-go): 10-20 more productive hours a week, bigger paychecks, and fewer stress-fueled breakdowns.

Who do I work with?

Most often I work with small, heart-centered businesses and non-profits. How small is small? From solopreneurs to companies with up to 50 employees.  If you are a health and wellness provider - a doctor, a massage therapist, a yoga teacher, etc., or a creative - a photographer, an architect, a filmmaker,  or a family-owned manufacturing company, (say you're the maker of that organic candy), or a small non-profit, making the world better...

I made it my mission in life to support people like you.

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Brief bio

An industrial engineer by training, I spent a decade managing large-scale, multi-million dollar projects for hi-tech and manufacturing companies.  I've managed teams, budgets, schedules, customers, and vendors, making sure the products we ship are of the highest quality.

A couple years ago I came to a realization that working for a conglomerate is not as inspiring as I wanted my life work to be. Turns out I need to be passionate to do an excellent job, and I was unwilling to settle for mediocre. The quest for inspiration brought me to working with small, heart-centered businesses and non-profits. I'd rather truly impact one business owner than be a cog in a huge corporate machine. Even if it's a big and well-cushioned cog. 
After a year of intense (and sometimes painful) conversation with myself, I started Vision Framework, a company that builds heart-centered businesses from the inside. I'm helping entrepreneurs run their companies with ease, putting easy-to-use, effective, and fun (yep!) systems in place. 


Working together

I work one-on-one with visionaries, helping diagnose current "system situation",  and then creating or fine-tuning the essential systems in their business: systems around money, time, people and information. I'll help you develop and establish good habits for using your shiny new tools. It's easier and more rewarding then most people fear. I've done it with countless entrepreneurs and employees, and the only condition for success is willingness to change. I'm there to support you all the way.  

My programs usually run between 3 to 6 months, but we can tailor a plan that will be custom-made for your unique business or non-profit.

We'll hold our session over Skype, Google Hangout, GoToMeeting, or any other program you use for videoconferencing. If you're local to Boston area, we can even meet in person! 

Want to know more? Click here


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